One might consider Snape as a covert operative under deep cover, as the reader learns of his ultimate mission in the final book of the series. And two, a lot of things in the movies suggest snaps is always protecting him and helping him. In a since-deleted tweet, the user asked @jk_rowling Why did you pick Snape to name Harry's kid after? It might have even been something of a wake-up call for James in his fifth year, helping motivate him to become a better person. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. All Rights Reserved. Why would anyone think that?!?!?! While all of this is going on, Snape's master is seeking out the Elder Wand, the wizarding world's most powerful wand and one of the legendary Deathly Hallows, to make sure he's undefeatable when the time comes to face off against Harry once and for all. In the Harry Potter series, Severus Snape is long established as one of Harry's most consistent antagonists. Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. In a 2007 interview with Bloomsbury, Rowling joked that Skeeter would probably have gone on to write a biography titled "Snape: Scoundrel or Saint?" What seemed to be a childrens story has now become a dark and nuanced one. But Snape's attempts to uncover the truth resulted in Sirius teasing that the truth was at the Shack. However, what he doesn't know is that Snape is secretly helping him. It has just dawned on me that JK Rowling drops tons of clues during the series that Snape could be Harry's father, not James as we are initially led to believe. In The Chamber Of Secrets, I'm pretty sure that it says that Harry looks nothing like the Dursleys, or nothing like his surviving family, not that he resembles no one in his family. Ultimately, the tension between Snape, Lily, and Petunia comes to a head when Petunia, jealous of Snape's and Lily's respective magical abilities, spies on the two friends. The only thing that made me think otherwise is the JAMES that they picked for the movie. Alan Rickman, the actor who brought the character to life, was the only one . Even though Harry, Ron, and Hermione attack him so that he doesn't turn Sirius in, he shows up at the last minute and tries to protect our heroes when Lupin turns into a werewolf (hence the monthly potion) and attacks everybody there. The only reason snape's pstronus is a deer is because he loved lily, and she died. Horrified, Harry tries to chase Snape, but he disappears with his fellow Death Eaters. Fortunately, Rowling always seems eager to fill in the blanks for her readers. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Furious, Snape kicks Harry out of his office and refuses to continue teaching him, but in the end, when Harry is convinced that Voldemort has captured Sirius, Snape goes out of his way to check on Sirius and alert the Order of the Phoenix about Harry's vision. "It is my Hogwarts letter." Harry passed the letter to his mother and was smiling from ear to ear. It's widely known by Hogwarts students and professors that Snape wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, not Potions. I'm not sure, but anyway I loved the movie! But if they don't quit asking, tell them to tell you the reason why they think Snape is Harry's father. James is the one who ended up with Lily and married her thus conceiving Harry. The two remain friends at school, and Lily is the only one who comes to Snape's defense when the Marauders bully him when Snape's worst memory is revealed in Half-Blood Prince. Rickman was Rowling's first choice for the role. We see James as the leader of his group, the popular joker whos always looking for trouble. Didn't you post this crap a week ago? However, Snape isn't the only villainous character in the series that uses a Patronus. Look again, the guy doesn't have black hair. Meanwhile, other characters, like Harry, try to unmask him. This is repeated again and again until his death. If you like the idea of Snape secretly being Harrys dad, there are fanfics devoted to this trope that you can read, just know theyre not canon. I mean, peaple brought it from films where actors have a certain hair color. With Dumbledore's help, Snape manages to hide the Sword of Gryffindor in a forest for Harry to find, enabling him to destroy horcruxes (because the sword is strengthened by basilisk venom) and keep track of Harry in general, quietly assisting him in his mission to weaken Voldemort enough to finally bring him down. And, in fact, Snape is working against him to protect Harry. Amongst Severus Snape's possessions that he kept at his home was a curious object called a, Snape's death takes place in the school's. Harry inherited the stag form from James. You're forgetting practically every description of Harry that says he looks just like James. This unrequited love led him to resent James Potter, Harrys father, and eventually Harry, too. Warner Bros. Well, he's clearly not very nice, and he's working both sides of the street. Exploring your mind Blog about psychology and philosophy. Snape's responsibilities include monitoring the welfare and discipline of those in Slytherin House and just generally assuming charge of the students. Instead of accepting her act of kindness, he rejected her and called her a "mudblood" an insult to witches and wizards with Muggle parents despite his own impure bloodline. Snape waves his wand producing his potronus and it's the same as Lillies. Despite Ron's and Hermione's doubts, Harry is correct that Voldemort himself has enlisted Draco with a task, though he doesn't know that task is until it's too late. Hate him. The novel version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban further explored this connection through the introduction of James' friend, Remus Lupin. Next Ron and Hermione, sittin' in a tree. Though Lily assures her friend that she can't stand James, an altercation with the young bully ends in nastiness when Snape calls Lily a "Mudblood," a horrible slur referring to Muggle-borns and it effectively ends their friendship forever. In the case of any doubt, it's best to consult a trusted specialist. He loved Lily for over 16 years. Godfather: Sirius Black - the closest person Harry had come to known and viewed as a father. While Snape and Lily try to remain close despite their differences, Lily disapproves of Snape's friends all of whom later become Death Eaters under Voldemort while Snape can't stand James Potter, one of Gryffindor's most popular students, who's clearly carrying a torch for Lily. Maybe he loved her still, maybe they were blood related or maybe had the same memory. But even so, he sticks to his promise and helps Harry survive a harrowing first year at Hogwarts. On twitlonger Rowling said that when Snape went to meet with Dumbledore on the windy hilltop he was still a subscriber to the inhuman philosophy of Voldemort. If Snape was jealous of James, it would make sense such jealousy could result in disabling James, who essentially persecuted Snape during Hogwart's schooling. However, when the young bully corners a weakened Dumbledore, it seems like the wisened wizard is able to convince his terrified student to spare his life. He was a double agent, so many character details were kept a secret. He also conducts industry interviews, is a Rotten Tomatoes certified film critic, and knows a LOT about the X-Men. Why can't Harry see thestrals before he saw Cedric dying, because he saw his mum dying? In Snape's memories, there was a lot to do with Lily in there. The scene with Severece's tears in the memory thingy in dumbleweinies' office. Snape didn't know that he was the father of Harry, hell, even Harry didn't know. @ClaireVoyant: OMFH ROFLMMFAO Right on. In 2015, Rowling wrote on Pottermore (now Wizarding World) that chemistry, the Muggle equivalent to Potions class, was her least favorite subject in school. Their Patronuses were the same because Snape had loved Lily, not because they'd had an affair or had a child together. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital I think the doe petronus shared by Snape and Lily can have another less sinister explanation than Snape is Harry's father. Snape begs Dumbledore never to tell anybody that he's protecting Harry, and the heartbroken wizard agrees to the painful task. So, Be nice don't laugh at people beacause they don't know what happened in the book, next time you could be the clueless individual. you'll get it later. From the beginning I knew that the movies wouldn't do justice to J Rowlings masterpiece. i.m.o. because people get confuse with the patronus.. some people thought that the patrunus was from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.. and in that movie harry said that was his father who made the patronus but later we all knew that was harry.. so people doesn't remenber that.. so when snape sent the patronus for help harry to find the sword of griffyndor there is the confuse..I say this . Otherwise Harry, Lily, James and Snape would all be related. will help you with any book or any question. Voldemort might not be the dark wizard we thought he was as we see glimpses of his slightly happier childhood. Also, he's compared to James all the time, saying that they're practically identical other than eye colour and scar. Because in the movie, dh2, in the death scene where harry is talking to dumbledore in the train station, harry references the visions he had from snapes tears. Harrys father is, was, and will always be James Potter. As the series progresses, Snape's character becomes more layered and enigmatic. But it would have been too complicated with where Harry's protection would come from instead. They weren't siblings though - we know their parents' identities and they're 2 different pairs. I dont like James and Lily - yes even-though I know we wouldn't have Harry, - he is the only good thing that came from them. No matter how hard Dumbledore tries, Voldemort slaughters Lily and James, leaving only Harry alive and Snape bereft. And that when he agrees to protect Harry he says no one can know. You can't make him a devil: he died to save the wizarding world. I'd imagine if that be the truth then Snape wouldn't treat his son like shit, Who did Harry see in the mirror of Erised? The Snapes were related to the pure-blood Prince family. We know from the Goblet of Fire a person can maintain disguise via polyjuice potion for as long as they have access. after the character's death. Lily was a Muggleborn while Snape was halfblood. Severus Snape's infamous line about Harry Potter's eyes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 isn't actually a Harry Potter plot hole. Because, in the end, we all make mistakes, we can all act wrongly in certain situations. Fuck no. It's nearly impossible to think of any actor other than Alan Rickman playing Snape, but he almost didn't. In this 'Snape is the father of Harry story' nobody knows that Snape is the father of Harry. The reason Snape was protecting Harry, and the truth he didn't want anyone to know, is that he loved Lily and he felt guilty about his role in her death - it'd been him who'd overheard the prophecy and reported that to Voldemort. Although we know he wasn't always this way, Snape seemed to have grown into the position quite comfortably by Harry's first year. The truth is never as simple as this; the world isnt only made up of good people and bad people there are nuances in between. They had one child, half-blood wizard Severus Snape. And he killed Dumbledore. eNotes Editorial, 7 Nov. 2011, Suspicions were aroused at every turn by the level of enmity Snape felt toward Harry, but a piece of the puzzle was revealed when readers learned that Snape had a crush on Lilly who had eyes for no one but Harrys father. From lifelong vendettas to his long-lost love and his true allegiance, here's the entire, fascinating backstory of Severus Snape, explained in full. Answer (1 of 5): Snape is, technically, very distantly related to Harry. The book, however, is a bit more subtle. Snape's adult life at Hogwarts is craftily disguised as a Professor who despises Harry, when in fact Snape loves Harry and has determined, at Dumbledore's request, to save Harry at all costs, including death. But as some fans and even Rowling herself were quick to point out, he's neither good nor bad. Not Snape thats for sure. To contain his transformations, Lupin was kept inside the supposedly haunted Shrieking Shack at the full moon. Tobias was born sometime in the early twentieth century, into the Muggle Snape family. 29. Snape getting 100%, completely, unequivocally rejected is kind of a huge thing in the story, the guy could barely get her to talk to him most of the time past a certain point, let alone them going at it in Filch's broom closet. Dolores Umbridge also casts a Patronus (in the form of a cat) during "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.". Snape is harry's biological father Follow . Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Snape already knew about the world of magic, and was, in some ways, a key figure in Lilys childhood. If Harry had a different father, JKR wouldve planted clues along the way instead of reiterating basically every other page that he looks like James and has some of James personality. A/N: I do not own any of the characters in this fanfiction except for the original character that I have named Savannah Snape. J.K. Rowling spells it out, clear as day, in "The Chamber of Secrets." Though it's been more than 20 years since the first Harry Potter book was published, new fans are coming to the series all the time. Is there something in the movie DH-part 2 made them think Snape is Harry's father ?? The Elder Wand, which he stole from Dumbledore's tomb, won't work for him because he isn't the true "master" of it. In the books, Snape is one of the youngest teachers to be recruited at Hogwarts school. Or at leat in the book they did. As for Snape, we see that, behind his dark exterior, lies a devastated heart, a man whos suffered, but who still loves. Including the father. We dont doubt that James was a good man, but its true that, during his adolescence, his mocking of Snape shows an unpleasant and cruel side to his character.
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