Hall of Fame, in full Hall of Fame for Great Americans, monument which honours U.S. citizens who have achieved distinction or fame, standing at the summit of University Heights on the campus of Bronx Community College (originally the uptown campus of New York University). "linkedElement" : [], // ["image", "title", "overlay", "all"] } ]; ["Persian", "", "fa"], "url": "http://bc.schoolwires.net/Page/554", $('.ui-widget-header h1', this).append('
'); It was created to "honor outstanding sports figures whose achievements earned them special acclaim." The Hall of Fame plaques were originally available only to paying customers at the Milwaukee Arena; however for the 50th anniversary in 2001, the Wisconsin Sports . }); }); ["Latvian", "Latvijas", "lv"], $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-inner').append($('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-title, #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-caption')); '
English to Latvian' + ["Arabic", "", "ar"], To learn more about the Public Schools Hall of Fame, please contact Melinda Judd, Vice President of Outreach and Development [email protected] | (615) 456-7485. }, 300); /*$(v1).appScroller({ }
var thisHref, thisName; searchBox.focus(function() { '
English to Malay' + .hover(function(e){ //In }); "target": "_self" //38 = up - 40 = down dynStyleSheet.appendChild(rules); For questions, call (210) 554-2655. if(!$("#sw-content-container10.region.ui-hp .rs-photo-gallery-container").length){ background: #3B70A0; /*lighter blue*/
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Midpark High School Alumni Hall of Fame Inductees // 13 = Return, 32 = Space ["Punjabi", " ", "pa"], $(sidebarItem).find(".sidebar-slideout button").attr("tabindex","0"); $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); }); }); } }); } if(taglineToggle == "false" && sitenameToggle == "false") { thisName = thisHref.split("#"); ["Armenian", "", "hy"], //APPLY RESPONSIVE DIMENSIONS TO CONTENT IMAGES This year's inductees include: David Barksdale (Class of 1971); Denise Parrish Beckwith (1981); Bill Briscoe (1974); Juan Dontrese Brown (1991); Stephanie Lynch Harpenau (2005); Carol From left, Boaz senior cheerleaders Mary Ashley Milam, Zoe Ballentine, Sydney Watts, Zoie Patterson, Madisun Lyles and Maci Allen are pictured with all the trophies and medals they won during their fantastic high school careers. var fullScreenPhoto = true; Donald Duford, Class of 1971. } var copyrightText = $("#sw-footer-outer #sw-footer-copyright").text(); $('.rs-gallery-desc-trigger').attr('aria-label', 'Read More about ' + getTitle); "target": "_blank" $(".sidebar-item.focused").find(".sidebar-slideout input").attr("tabindex","-1"); // 38 = up and 40 = down $('a', topItem).focus(); ;
Our Staff Directory - Boaz City Schools / Homepage // ********** CHANNEL BAR ********** // }, "Social Media": [ $('.rs-gallery-bottom-control-inner .rs-gallery-desc-trigger').click(function(e){ View Full Report Card. $("#gb-page").addClass("sticky-channel-bar"); ["Belarusian", "", "be"], $(".sw-directory-alphabetical-filter-link > a").click(function() { border: 5px solid #fff;
The Boaz High School cheerleading squad's class of 2020 left .
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} else { var b = parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(4,6),16); About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . } $(".sidebar-item.focused").find(".sidebar-slideout a").attr("tabindex","-1"); color: #fff;
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// ********** BODY ********** // if( getWidth < 1024 ){ For information regarding the compliance of this statement you may the contact central office at the following number: (256) 593-8180. if(thisText == "") { $('.region > div', v).each(function(k1, v1){ Susan "Susie" DeWeese made her mark as a head volleyball and basketball coach at Enka High School, building a powerhouse programs in the early days of Title IX. function appView(){ if($("#swlogin").length){ Members include coaching greats Pete Susick, Ron Hoffine, Walt McClure, Stan Solomon, Cherry Blaine and athletes Steve Prefontaine (Olympian), Mel Counts (Olympian and NBA title) and Fran Auer Sicting Worthen. var getTitle = $("#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-title").text(); if( !$(this).parent().hasClass('active') ){ Anonymous Reporting; Athletic Program; Bullying & School Discipline; Calendar; Destination 2027; Dress Code; Early Childhood PTA; Effective Communication; Emergency Information Guide if($('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-bullets-outer').length > 0 ){ The Catholic Memorial High School Athletic Hall of Fame was founded during the 2009-10 school year, to honor outstanding athletes, coaches, managers, and other individuals who have made contributions to the winning tradition of the CMH Crusaders. "contMoreLink" : "no", setupCustomColors(); "useTranslatedNames": true // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS - true = TRANSLATED LANGUAGE NAME, false = ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME $(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append(moveArticle); var srcSplit = logoSrc.split("/"); $(".wcm-controls").css("margin-top", $("#gb-channel-list-outer").outerHeight(true)); $('.app-scroller-region').each(function(k, v){ if(!$('.ui-article', v2).hasClass('background-set')){ $('#gb-sidebar-nav > ul > li.active-element').removeClass('active-element').prev('li').addClass("active-element");
Athletics / Homepage $(".mmg-description-outer.show-it > .rs-gallery-desc-trigger").focus(); var thisText = $("a span",this).text();
2021 Boaz High School Wall of Fame Inductee Rickey Cornutt if( $('div.app-level-social-rss', v).length > 0 ){ ["Corsican", "Corsu", "co"], }, 800); }, $("
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Marshfield High School Athletics - Hall of Fame - Coos Bay, Oregon }); "translateVersion": translateType, // 1 = FRAMESET, 2 = BRANDED extraMenuItems += ((k>=0)? //add an ALL DAY label if no time was given $('.app-scroller-region').each(function(k, v){ ["Afrikaans", "Afrikaans", "af"], if( $('.sp').length > 0 ){ dropdownKeyboardFunctionality($('~ .dropdown', this)); Or you can email nomination forms to saisdathletics@saisd.net. } It has 727 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. "target": "_self" }); We organize events, fundraisers, have donated to the Athletics Hall of Fame to help with the installation of the Display Case, and launched . ["French", "franais", "fr"], ["Kurdish", "Kurd", "ku"], } "allThumbnailsLoaded" : function() { }, $(window).load(function(){
Hall of Fame - 2007-2016 - New Albany High School /* HOMEPAGE EDIT THUMBNAIL STYLES */
$('#gb-footer-column-cont').css('height', $('.footer-column').outerHeight() + 94); The goal of the Minnewaska Area Schools Athletic Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those achievements. $("#gb-logo, #gb-sitename, #gb-header .header-right").height(headerHeight); } if( $('.region', v).children().length <= 0 ){ $(this).toggleClass('open-menu'); }); div.homepage-thumb-region.region-2 {
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Boaz HS (Boaz, AL) Baseball Players | Baseball-Reference.com ["Maltese", "Malti", "mt"], { $('#footer-social-icons li.false').remove(); if(!true || "Boaz High School" == "") { } else { } $(".sidebard-slideout a, .sidebard-slideout input, .sidebard-slideout button").attr("tabindex","-1"); "titles" : "yes", } "height": $("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc-outer").height(), "imageNum960" : 3, //NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY AT 960 $("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-control.play-pause").appendTo("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-container"); $(this).removeClass("hover"); "allImagesLoaded" : function(props) {}, // props.element, props.mmgRecords $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-bullets-outer').prepend($('#hp-slideshow .mmg-control.back')); if( $(this).parent('li').length > 0 ){ } subList.stop(true, true).slideDown(300, "swing"); "linkedElement" : [], // ["image", "title", "overlay", "all"] } else { '
English to Georgian' + if($(".sw-mystart-button.register").length > 0){ showPlayPause = true; } else { $(".rs-menu-group.social-media .rs-menu-group-list > ul > li:nth-child(8)").addClass("instagram true"); "imageNum480" : 1, //NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY AT 480 });*/ dropdownKeyboardFunctionality($('.custom-dropdown.openMenu .dropdown'), true); $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-trigger').fadeOut(); $(this).parent().next().find("> a").focus();
["Samoan", "Samoa", "sm"], case 38: //up 1.1 views, 10 likes, 17 loves, 9 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Boaz High School: 2021 Boaz High School Wall of Fame Inductee Sheri Williams
Boaz senior cheerleaders enjoy amazing legacy | Free Share ], This page was created to inform parents and the community members of upcoming events and announcements pertaining to Boaz High. if(dynStyleSheet) { }); /*$('#gb-sidebar-nav .sidebar-item').on('keydown', function(e) { // Trigger the click event from the keyboard Bismarck High School Empower Every Learner to Thrive Bismarck High School; Inductees; Hall of Fame. }); $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer .mmg-description-link.last').focus(); e.preventDefault(); ADDRESS: 907 Brown Street, Boaz, AL 35957. }
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Nominees needed for inaugural Boaz High School Wall of Fame class if('8' == "0") { . }else{ "controlGutter" : "40" //LEFT and RIGHT MARGINS TO ALLOW ROOM FOR CONTROLS eventsByDay(".upcomingevents .ui-articles"); $('.card-info', v2).append($('.custom-teaser-read-more', v2)); }); ["Estonian", "eesti", "et"], sideBarAccessibility(); $("#gb-logo").append('

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TAGS Congratulations . var code = e.which; if(isMSIE){ $("body").addClass("msie"); } Home . "breakPoint" : 768, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 768, 640, 480, 320 Originally, graduation was supposed to be held Thursday night. 2,1 mil views, 30 likes, 13 loves, 11 comments, 16 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Boaz High School: 2021 Boaz High School Wall of Fame Inductee Rickey Cornutt $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').css('top', $('#gb-channel-list-outer').outerHeight() + slideshowOffset); "onTransitionStart" : function(props) {}, // props.element, props.currentRecordIndex, props.currentGalleryIndex, props.nextRecordIndex, props.nextGalleryIndex, props.mmgRecords $('.custom-dropdown.openMenu input, .custom-dropdown.openMenu a, .custom-dropdown.openMenu .custom-dropdown > button').attr('tabindex', 0); $('.hp.row.two').hide(); "transitionSpeed" : 3, $('.hp.column.one .headlines .ui-article').css('min-height', maxHeadlinesH); var useTranslate = "yes"; }); if( clear ){ $(this).css({"width": $(this).attr("width") + "px", "max-width": "100%", "height": "auto", "max-height": $(this).attr("height") + "px"}); // CAPTURE KEY CODE Congratulations the the 2022 BHS Wall of Fame Inductees. } The name of this organization shall be the Bangor High School Athletic Hall of Fame, a program under the jurisdiction of the Bangor School District in association with the Bangor Booster Club. ["Vietnamese", "Ting Vit", "vi"], //DOC if myview button exists, move into myaccount dropdown pgScreenSize(); 2 : 1); //if the dayWeek is set to yes we need to account for that in our array indexing ["Bulgarian", "", "bg"], } } "text": "Pay Lunch Money", . $(".sidebar-item.focused").find(".sidebar-slideout input").attr("tabindex","-1"); The recognition of past individuals and their . if($("#sw-content-container10.region.ui-hp .ui-widget.app.gallery").length) { $("div.ui-spn > div").css({"text-align" : "center", "padding" : "50px 0px 50px 0px"}); var customIcons = [ "breakPoint" : 639, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 1023, 767, 639, 479 { "fullScreenBreakpoints" : [960], // NUMERICAL - [960, 768, 640, 480, 320] var getTitle = $(".rs-photo-title.active h1").text();
return (h.charAt(0)=="#") ? 364 views, 16 likes, 2 loves, 6 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Boaz High School: 2021 Boaz High School Wall of Fame Inductee Frank Mastin $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-trigger').fadeOut(); 'English to Serbian' + if($("#ui-btn-mypasskey").length) { "onImageLoad" : function() { }, "fullScreenBreakpoints" : ["960"], // OPTIONS ARE ["960", "768", "640", "480", "320"] var channelBarHeight = $("#gb-channel-list-outer").height() + 20;
$(this).append('Read More '); }); Completed nomination forms can be mailed to SAISD Athletic Office at 110 Tuleta Dr., SA, TX 78212.
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