-1- -2- -3- -4- (-5-) Sharing And when I see Jesus "lifted up," then my own strength returns, and I have the courage to speak these wonderful things. Jecoliah = God makes able. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS "MUST-SEE" VIDEO On December 1, 2016, Israel News Online, which is based in Jerusalem, posted a video which quickly went viral all over the Internet. Computer programs with time-saving algorithms have made it possible to locate and verify the existence of related words, names, phrases and sentences around specific axis terms. Thnx for all. It is referred to as the Millennial Kingdom . fadeimages[12]="images/1-10-moth bible code-3-cross.gif" Click for pictures & other proof. When his Holy Spirit descended from the clouds in the Middle East (Jerusalem), it entered our realm with a flash like lightning, and instantly traveled to the West (U.S./Mexico International Zone), to join with the Son of Man, RayEl. It tells the individual story of every person named in the Bible. Ezek.38 Rev.11:2 Dan. For this matter of dating compare the rough statements of Covenant Code with the exactness of Lev 23. Though his Bible Code series attracted religious followers (as well as a certain fringe element), he didnt embrace such readers or make a connection with them. see awesome, "Genealogical Isaiah 44:7. Bible Codes Plus Regular price: $59.95 Sale price: $44.95 Download Now About the Modify Matrix feature The Crop Circle is a continuing phenomena that have many intellectuals studying their patterns for encoded messages. Includes massive numbers of Bible maps, digital resources and linked lookups. Things came into increasing focus as the time grew Passage Lookup Keyword Search Topical Index. Both are symbolic of Jesus bearing our sins on the cross, as it is written, "Cursed is everyone that is hung on a tree. The Holy Bible describes a time in which Jesus will return and rule this world from Jerusalem in righteousness for a 1,000-year period. You may remember Bible Codes/Torah Codes from their heyday about 15 years ago: Using computers and a simple set of algorithms, enterprising researchers found that every 14th letter in, I don't know, the book of Habakkuk, spelled out the name of this or that important rabbi, politician or event. This is best summarized in John 3:16. This outbreak began very near to where I lived and in the hospital Also on March 23, I learned that full scale models of the Syrian temple of the trinity of Baal, the sun god & the moon god, are being built in China and will be erected in London & in Times Square in New York City in April. Is the writing-on-the-wall Bible Code for Saddam Hussein, 5, What Happens When Christ Comes? Nor do they accurately reflect the surface text in which they By this, God testifies that Jesus came, a sign to all who are watching for the prediction to happen, so that And this, too, God has repeatedly done. curpos+=10 bolically is where "the eagles be gathered" (Matthew 24:28). else People are discovering so many tables of related codes pertaining to current events that even the skeptics are beginning to lean forward in their seats. 4 of 5 parts (To first part) SARS/Moth Bible Code -1- -2- -3- -4- ( -5-) About the three circles Tabernacle Click to enlarge (DRB) Hosea 5:12 "And I will be like a moth to Ephraim: and like rottenness to the house of Judah." The Good News! Feb.11, 2016 Newsletter on Feb.11, It was officially announced to the world that Saudi Arabia is preparing to invade Syria and remove Assad with the help of Turkey & USA. They do not meet all of Things played out exactly to the day Original Bible Foundation EIN 850-596077 is a 501(c)3 public charity focused on deciphering the original Bible in Hebrew in a scientific way non-religious research. Gog Magog War = WW3: Syria, Iran, Russia, China, N. Korea invade Israel, USA, Europe, British Commonwealth, American allies, S. Korea, Egypt. And if I say, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name, then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with forbearing, and I It features colorful, non-violent graphics, digitized sounds, and word categories such as Apostles, Bible Stories, Books of the Old Testament, Books of the New Testament, . Upload a snapshot of your results to Facebook, share your discoveries and more. This program is a Java GUI that supplies a Bible verse (s) and an associated challenge as well as some features like journaling and customizable settings. Learn more about the prophetic warnings to watch these dates and their fulfillment in the links below. The Bible Code is a 1997 book by Michael Drosnin. Allows instant real-time searches, with an autocompleter droplist to assist with words which come next. The text of the Bible is read with a skip of S letters (S can be positive or negative). Can you even begin to imagine what it will be like? Obama, then some related event should occur instead, such a downed plane preloadedimages[p]=new Image() cannot contain." of a genuine bible code. We then remove all punctuation, spaces, and we make all the letters the same case (lower case or upper case). It sat "like a barrier between ISIS and Israel." var degree=10 criteria, let alone all of them at once! To God Be All The Glory! This is the all in One Code that confirms when Yeshua returns (January), into which Host He returns (Raymond Elwood Lear). My rant against what we see on the internet is false. dozens For the 2011 Fulfilled, click here to learn what happened! Contemporary discussion and controversy . Each NFT is marked T1 to T4 for the four code2GOD Club tiers with lifetime benefits: a trip to Israel, Germany/France, soulmate finder, blessings, MaxMyLife counseling, DAO ownership, and physical art of your NFT. Issay = Yahweh is salvation. A growing number of people believe that the Bible Codes reveal key names, phrases, related terms and even complete sentences relevant to current and historical events. warned people, but it did not happen because people took warning March 24, 2016 Newsletter on March 23-24, Obama made headline news by dancing, while the Syrian government military began a military campaign to retake the city of Palmyra which is the city that held the temple of Baal/Bel, which was destroyed by ISIS in August 2015. of all, they do not proclaim Jesus as Lord! It has been popularized by Michael Drosnin's best-selling book, The Bible Code.4 Drosnin's book, published by Simon and Schuster in 1997, has found its way onto the (nonfiction) best-seller list of the New York Times. tempobj.innerHTML='

' "+what) : document.getElementById(what) Repent and. "(John 3:16 HNV). The limitation of the Bible Code The Bible Code is limited to the Old Testament. fadeimages[9]="images/8-moth code-3 wings-blood.gif" Each chapter contains full Scriptural references. } Bible Code and the Acrostic Bible distant future. Hallelujah! Those who are in Christ are under grace---even when they are punished. In yet another previous post, I also made the related claim that the two witnesses (symbolized as two olive trees in the Zechariah 4 vision) are Moses and Elijah, who themselves function within the biblical canon as personifications of the Old and New Testaments. No Torah Code Researcher can dispute this finding. Ch. Pray concerning whether you are ordained to enter the wilderness of. Therefore, each Biblical word is coded with a unique number. You must be born again! fadeimages[5]="images/2b-4-moth-cocoon-bible-code.gif" 17:1-9; Mark 9:1-10; Luke 9:27-36). (They did. years! They are striking one another! All rights reserved. Uncovering the truth was the means and the end.. 4:1-14) functions within the biblical canon as a symbol of the completed Holy Bibledivided into two testaments containing 39 books and 27 books. And it offered religious and nonreligious readers alike an intriguing worldview and a good yarn. Hurricane Season". Also, patterns "And I will be like a moth to Ephraim: In fact, even before you finish typing the phrase bible codes, the search feature instantly displays a list of suggested keyword phrases that other people are also searching with great frequency regarding the Bible codes. What is a good person? The Bible code, also known as the Torah Code, is a method described as a "hidden code" of selecting Equidistant Letter Sequences from within the 3,300 year old Hebrew Bible that form words and phrases that demonstrate foreknowledge and prophecy. fadeimages[6]="images/5-moth-code-1-wing.gif" The True Bible Code. It is then possible to find equidistant letter sequence (ELS) of one or more terms. The Bible Codes are like Intelligent Design: religion garbed in science that, while obviously flawed to actual scientists, seems credible enough to laypeople. The golden oil of the two olive trees thus gets poured out into the golden bowl atop the candlestick, where it is merged together and distributed via the seven golden pipes to each of the seven lamps of the golden candlestick. Jesus is the wonderful secret to all the codes. Some have already been fulfilled, such as with the Names The book reached No. In the days before this, Iran conducted a massive missile strike against Saudi Arabia which was also very historic. plays 10 questions New! so many sites out there making lame predictions that never come ELS random placement model text population*, Elokim : An example of Equidistant Word Sequences (EWS), Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Letter Sequences, Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Word or Expression Sequences (Primers), User Guide, FAQ and Video demo available online, compatible with Michigan-Clairmont transliteration scheme, Export your findings (matrix, legend and report) in bmp or jpg format, Save your work in a Project File and load it when you want to resume work, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Control Texts : Torah and Tanakh monkey texts, War and Peace, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, NEW! Presented by The Ecumenical Order of Christ, 240 pages of; HE IS THE MESSIAH! His niece Wende Gozan Brown said the cause was heart disease. His father, Edward, was an accountant. We search ELS of the MasterWord and ELS of the SlaveWords. as well as for advanced researchers that want to use the best Bible Code Software available today. "+curcanvas) : document.getElementById(curcanvas) * WRR Distance : distance between two words as explained by Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in the journal Statistical Science, Vol. Still lost? if (ie4||dom) Discover amazing descriptive matrices encoded in the Bible 3000 years ago. these criterion Mr. Drosnin died on June 9 at his home in Manhattan. (Posted July 9, 2017, Well before Trump had any success with Kim Jong Un. var curpos=10 Comments by Robert Kass In the early 1990s, the Israeli mathematician Eliyahu Rips and his colleagues performed an experiment. Their babbling codes make no sense, nor do they form images! This is the Abomination of Desolation of Assad in the Seat of God in the Temple of God in Heaven. This is best summarized in John 3:16, which says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. nextimageindex=(nextimageindex
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