Damn u bastards!!! The Sun Online found one YouTube playlist of 112 videos on the site titled \"Kill baby monkeys\" which has been viewed nearly 200,000 times and includes various strange abuse videos. Cookie Notice GOD HELP US!!! Become an OK! OH SWEET JESUS!!! An undercover investigation by Animal Liberation reveals how animals are killed inside a modern abattoir near Adelaide, Australia. Every sicko that paid for this to happen should themselves be subjected to the disgusting actions they paid for; in this case, an eye for an eye is just. In order to help more animals escape a fate of misery, please give vegan food a try. The monkey abuse videos themselves run the gamut from re-uploaded nature documentary footage thats been given a misleading title so as to trick you into believing it was going to be monkey abuse when none was present, to military units using lab animals to test out chemical warfare treatment procedures. jc Crying for these precious victims is not enough.I want vengeance and jail time for these things masquerading as human me, please, my rage will not be abated otherwise.Peace to all life forms, jc. In fact, it had been discussed at length on multiple websites for a span of nearly 5 years. Shubman Gill completes a historical double hundred in white ball cricket, Address by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the Voice of Global South Summit, Virat Kohli and Ishan Kishan shake a leg during the laser show at Eden Gardens, RIP! 15:24, 15 FEB 2021. The monkey is seen struggling in pain while the men mercilessly beat the animal with sticks and then hanging him off a tree. Monkey newborns and infants are placed in bizarre, upsetting or dangerous situations in these \"shows\" - which can end up with them being killed. Baby monkeys tortured and killed in videos posted on US-based chat group, *Graphic content* Shocking footage of monkeys being subjected to extreme violence uncovered by animal rights activists. This website and the initiative of Kinder World are operated by SHEVI (A.L.I) - ANIMAL LIBERATION ISRAEL, registered nonprofit organization no. Such as Peosphoros: Peosphoros is a YouTube user that follows the Peter Ridell account and has commented on the monkey abuse videos. The /x/ standing of course for e/x/ceptional detective work 100% true verifiable facts admissible in court. Kinder World is an educational initiative, working to raise compassion for farmed animals across the world. Some featured monkeys hit by traffic, or beaten, or killed by another animal. Affenwelt chief Silvio Dietzel said: "As soon as a Barbary male can no longer produce offspring, he is useless for the group. Kerala transgender couple claims to be 'India's First Pregnant Trans Man'! And some of them managed to get hold of him on Discord (of course): It didnt reveal much but a few pieces of information. What motivated them? our team rescued two orphaned baby monkeys in 2019 after both their mothers were killed due . You may or may not want to check out their other stuff. Pigs, baby calves and lambs, all tortured in horrific ways before being violently killed. In videos found by The Sun Online the small creatures are seen being smacked, throttled and killed. This calf begs the abattoir worker to spare his life, but will his cries be heard? And when it comes to that community, Peter wasnt alone in his choice of edgy usernames, ones tending to hint at a secondary underlying interest other than monkey abuse. They experience grief, often retreating themselves from the company of others. The infants are usually separated from their mothers and then forced to lead a life in illegal captivity. This also needs calling the regulators into question for not being able to take strict actions against such individuals/channels exploiting a sentient being. How exactly child porn and monkey torture intersects is a question better left to experts, but there does seem to be a definite overlap. State cricket board officially announces a life size statue for the legend Sachin Tendulkar! These cookies do not store any personal information. The /x/ board hadnt stumbled into something unknown up until this point. So we urge you to report these offending and exploitative videos which showcase meaningless abuse of infant monkeys. BABY monkeys are being tortured, exploited and even killed in a wave of sick cruelty videos on YouTube. Will Novak Djokovic be allowed to participate in the 2023 Australian Open? Child dies after being attacked by stray dogs - Weak hearted should keep away from the viral CCTV video, Man loses his eye sight to a parasite after sleeping with his contact lenses on, BCCI officially announces the IPL 2023 schedule! Sites like Reddit, Facepunch, and multiple YouTube videoes had talked about the phenomenon. of edgetivism., But what is edgetivism? In the video, the men can be heard calling the animals " pencuri ", which translated . Pregnant Stacey Solomon jokes she's at 'club placenta' as she films baby moveStacey Solomon shared a sweet clip of herself attempting to relax and watch the sitcom Friends while her little girl was very active. You are being judged, assholes!Remember, Karma is one mean bitch!jc When does the Humane part of Humanity begin?These heartless ghouls deserve our condemnation.Will someone please track the origin so legal action can be initiated?Prisoners who torture animals can expect the same treatment n prison.1of the only good things abt Gen Pop, Im told.jc, Chat group for serial killers? How was it possible that a monkey torture network could exist on a platform owned by google, a company known for sanitizing anything anti-PC or not sufficiently family friendly? Six years ago he incited the entire clan against his rivals resulting in four apes being thrown over a three-meter-high electric fence. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The vid is called \"abuse of Haha, a baby monkey: First lessons of bipedal walking. Some believe its a geographical, cultural phenomenon. Moreover, they receive continuous veterinary care and support to help expedite their recovery. Another warned members not to make their request too elaborate, adding that ant videos would be double price ($50)..In another sick post, accompanied by a photo of a young monkey strapped to a wooden cross, a forum user tried to drum up interest saying: Lets all enjoy some initial monkey discomfort and be sure to sign up with Monkey Crusher and submit your $20 ideas for your own monkey video..But the couple have mostly kept images and details of the first few weeks with their daughter under wraps, until now..The private chat group is based in the US but includes some members who say they are from the UK . Website hosting donated by. Some of the videos were in Chinese, others in English. Disturbing clips uncovered by The Sun Online show the adorable creatures getting throttled, slapped, menaced with pliers or even killed on video. Animal rights activists have slammed the social media giant for continuing to host the disturbing clips which appear to be part of a huge trend of the vids being filmed in South East Asia. Surely there has to be some very mysterious back story. Most pigs in Australia, as well as in several countries in Europe, are killed in gas chambers. Many Muslims believe that Halal slaughter is humane and painless, but is it true? Cornelius' inability to satisfy the nine female apes has now made him a target, He was 18-years-old and not as agile as he used to be, A new leader has taken the reins at Monkey World. They pair fictional characters together in romantic relationships and then obsess over that mental image becoming a reality. Something went wrong. I cant believe this Everyone in that chat group should be on a criminal watch list Statistically, they do.I say we dont let them develop their craft any further.Count me in to BREAK these people. Disgusting images ahead! Many of these videos seem cute to fool unsuspecting viewers and get clicks, but theyre based on severe abuse. All rights reserved. I do believe that the ones that have been causing pain, or bringing harm to the monkeys must be called out. Thanks for subscribing! While trying to escape, this cow crawled on her knees in one of the most heart-rending scenes imaginable. Follow us on Google News and stay updated with the latest ! Instead they are acting as breeding grounds for people to meet and escalate the violence that is inflicted on, in this case, monkeys..What are you waiting for? These posters will be getting cash from YouTube through their viewer ratings. At Wildlife SOS, the treatment of rescued animals, specifically a baby, puts a lot of emphasis on physical and psychological recovery. They are listed as an endangered species. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Animal rights organisation PETA told the Sun Online: \"YouTube existing policies should see these horrific channels taken down immediat Some videos even show the monkeys wearing cute, colorful clothes as pets, dancing, spinning in circles and performing similar unnatural stunts. For the baby monkeys, we socialize them with each other and provide them enrichment like toys to keep them engaged or as emotional support to hug and sleep at night. If you face any difficulty while flagging, check out this guide from Google which can help you report inappropriate videos on YouTube. "Please can everyone pray for my baby girl who was born this morning. First of all, that they were seemingly dealing with a sophisticated network of users, who had a joy and a common interest in sharing videos which dealt with the abuse of what they referred to derisively as, among others things, tree rats.. "As the apex body for animal rights in India, FIAPO has reached out to government authorities including Prakash Javadekar, Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Shri Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao, Chief Minister Telangana, to arrest and take stringent action against the culprits," Varda Mehrotra, Executive Director of Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations, said. Abattoir Truth: Animals Boiled Alive, Abused & Slaughtered, Heartbreaking: Calf Begging the Abattoir Worker, Heartbreaking: Cow Trying to Escape Slaughter, Baby Cows Slaughtered in Front of Each Other, Pig Slaughterhouse, Belgium: Insane Reality, Calf Slaughter - The Killing of Baby Cows, Chicken Hatchery Find why Baby Chicks are Killed, Pig Farms Smash the Heads of Baby Piglets, Gas Chambers - The Most "Humane" Method to Kill Pigs, Why Pig Farms Are the Closest Thing There Is to Hell. We are also the proprietor(?) A man at #Vensupalam village, #khammam in #Telangana, brutally killed a monkey. "Any flagged content found to violate our policies is removed from YouTube immediately. From January, to March 2022, Wildlife SOS rescued 111 monkeys from the two regions combined. IndiaGlitz.com, IndiaGlitz.com - A Glitz Digital initiative. Playlists with very mundane, normal names that would surely keep the heat off of them, like: baby monkeys suffering, wounded monkeys, rotten little vermin make you puke, dead monkeys, monkey abuse, baby monkeys make me sick, and, of course, vintage tree rats..
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